Ngeology of lower benue trough pdf files

In contrast, some of the most spectacular canyons on earth and mars were probably carved. Material from neritic regions was thus transported into the bathyal zone only during a geologically instantaneous event e. There are indications, however, that detailed exploration work in the middle benue could. This paper documents the technical background and engineering formulation for. Generally, this seam has been low in ash, has a medium level sulfur content and is often greater than 36 inches thick.

Introduction the benue trough is a unique rift feature on the african continent in that it occupies an. Stratigraphic evolution of the benue trough and its. The benue trough is a major geological structure underlying a large part of nigeria and extending about 1,000 km northeast from the bight of benin to lake chad. The lower benue trough is the southern portion of the benue trough that is believed to have originated as a failed arm of an aulacogen at the time of the. Abstract forty six 46 shale samples were collected from borehole, quarry and outcrop in the northern benue trough which consists of gongola and yola basins respectively. Sedimentologic summary, nankai trough sites 582 and 583, and japan trench site 5841 william t. Coulbourn, hawaii institute of geophysics, university of hawaii2 abstract hemipelagic olive gray mud blankets both areas drilled during dsdp leg 87 of the glomar challenger. Petrology, physicochemical and thermal analyses of. In geology, a trough is a linear structural depression that extends laterally over a distance. Proceedings for the fifth conference on fossil resources. Paleobiogeographic evidence and regional facies distribution in the sahara and northeast benue trough do not support an open connection between the late cretaceous saharan sea and the benue trough. In this paper we intent to interpret the new airborne gravity data obtained from the.

The nigerian benue trough was divided into three sub troughs viz. Geophysical and geological evidence for the benuechad basin cretaceous rift valley system and its tectonic implications. If the inline pdf is not rendering correctly, you can download the pdf file here. Dsdp site 610 was drilled in the southern rockall trough near the crest of the feni ridge, a major sediment drift some 600 km long, situated along the western margin of the trough jones et al. This map shows areas of historic fill covering more than approximately 5 acres. Pdf epub geology and mineral resources of west africa pp 981 cite as. Preliminary report on the paleoenvironments and burial diagenesis of cretaceous sediments in parts of the upper benue trough and their implications for hydrocarbon exploration.

Sustainable development and management of the resources require an understanding of its holistic characteristics. The brownfield and contaminated site remediation act n. Geophysical and geological evidence for the benuechad basin. Over 10 million scientific documents at your fingertips.

Ofoegbu editor, structure and evolution of the benue trough. The geology of the gboko area, situated in the northeastern part of the lower benue trough of nigeria is the subject of this book. The gongola basin comprises bima formation, the yolde formation, pindigagong. There are various oceanic troughs, troughs found under oceans. These faults in the lower benue trough share the same history with the formation of the benue trough, and are probably related to the initial formation and evolution of the benue trough during continental drift. The trough is arbitrarily divided into lower, middle and upper regions, and the upper region is further divided into the gongola and yola arms. Jan 11, 2009 geochemical studies of sandstones from the three lithostratigraphic successions in the southern benue trough of nigeria were undertaken for a geochemical characterization of the sandstones, and to assess their stratigraphic and source evolution. Cretaceous stratigraphy of the middle and lower benue trough figure i is a map of the geology of the benue trough region of nigeria. Two versions of the pdf map are give, one with 100 ft structure contour intervals tubb structure 100 ft contours.

Anomaly ithe benue trough the benue trough has been considered by many authors in discussion on the origin of this feature king 1950, carter. Midterm 10 study guide version 2 metamorphic rocks what causes metamorphism. The lower kittanning coal covers 46 square miles within the region, of which 35 percent 16 square miles is at least three feet thick. Although these particular deltas do not extend up the benue depression, deltas of similar age may have been built in the lower reaches of the bida basin and yola trough and could contain coal deposits. Madu and ozibo 072 then sub tributaries flow from an elevated plain of about 600ft above sea level, which serves as the main water divide of the area.

Campanianmaastrichtian, southern benue trough, nigeria. Geology of parts of gboko and makurdi local government areas, benue state, nigeria. The view is toward the north along the intrusive contact between the cretaceous dark tower granodiorite, on the right, and the. Nigerian mining and geoscience society conference, calabar 95, abstracts.

Lower benue, trough introduction the benue trough is an intracratonic rift trending southwestnortheast from about latitude 60n near the gulf of guinea to about latitude 100n south of the chad basin. Therefore, if all other conditions for the formation of hydrocarbon from organic matters like temperature and marine sediments are. Stratigraphical successionlower benue trough nnamdi. Hydrocarbon generation potentials of the awgu shale, lower.

Geology and mineral resources of the lower benue trough, nigeria. The trough has its southern limit at the northern boundary of the niger delta, where it dips down and is overlaid with tertiary and more recent sediments. Leadzincbarytes mineralization in the benue trough. The geology of lower benue trough is associated with the tectonic activities that were recorded during the cenomanian. Major and trace elements data were obtained from outcrop sandstone samples. The early cretaceous sedimentary rocks of the study area and the outcropping and.

The benue trough was terminated by a late santonian episode of compressional folding. Stratigraphic report of the middle benue trough, nigeria. The nkporo shale which is distri buted in the southeastern part of the benue trough is a fissile, blue black, highly carbonaceous and occasionally gypsiferous shale with thin marl beds. The variations in the chemistry between the lower benue and the upper benue. Precambrian surface great unconformity in eastern midwest paul e. In the southern benue trough the campanianmaastrichtiannkporo shale and enugu shale were sampled. N3 1,2,3department of geology, university of port harcourt, port harcourt, nigeria abstract palynological baseline data acquisition and analysis were carried on longitudes 6. In accordance with this authorization the author made field trips to the central, southwestern, and southeastern quicksilver districts of oregon. The benue trough is an intracontinental rift initiated in the cretaceous during the. Benthic foraminifera at the cretaceoustertiary boundary. Schuette introduction the governing board of the state department of geology and mineral industries, in september, 1937, authorized a sur vey of the quicksilver deposits of oregon. It is part of the broader west and central african rift system. The unnamed units were lateral ly correlated to the.

The geologic logs are in the process of being scanned and will be added as time goes on. Geology of parts of gboko and makurdi local government areas. A lot of work covering the area has been done but detailed work is still needed. Geology of parts of gboko and makurdi local government. The area has been given less attention with regards to geological studies than the other parts of the lower benue trough or the middle benue trough. When deeply buried sedimentary rocks are compressed, generally at a site of tectonic plate convergence, they fold much as a rug folds when pushed across a floor. The lower benue trough is the southern portion of the benue trough that is believed to have originated as a failed arm of an aulacogen at the time of the opening of the south atlantic oceans during the separation of the african plate and the south american plate. Geology and mineral resources of the lower benue trough. Geochemical characterization of cretaceous sandstones from. As there will be in excess of mb of scanned files, i will probably.

While the detachmentrelated carbonate ultracataclasite did not form by melting, it does preserve a magnetic fabric where k max is parallel to the detachment slip direction and records a westward and down paleopole 287 and 27, where magnetite is the carrier mineral. Leadzincbarytes mineralization in the benue trough, nigeria. Mar 28, 2014 this study assessed the hydrocarbon generation potentialstiming of the awgu source rock horizons encountered in igbariam1, iji1 and ajire1 wells drilled in the southern benue trough. Except for noncommercial discoveries of oil and gas and traces of oil and gas on the ground surface, the results of exploration in. The theme of this project is geology, petroleum, and mineral resources potential. Ice sheets of the last glacial maximum, as well as extensive mountain glaciers, covered part of the west and had a dramatic effect on the areas topography. Geological survey purchased the license for the digital data used in this investigation from seismic exchange inc. Qualitative interpretation of aeromagnetic data over parts. The rockall trough separates rockall plateau from the continental margin west of the british isles fig.

Igneous rocks there are three types of igneous rocks, and they can be told apart in different ways. What links here related changes upload file special pages permanent link page. The size of the folds varies from small crinkles to large mountainsized folds visible in roadcuts. The sio2al2o3, fe2o3k2o ratios and cao contents have been used to. In this study of the middle benue trough, nigeria, gravity data for the area was.

Interpretation of gravity anomaly of parts of lower and. Tectonic and sedimentation framework of the lower benue. Although it is less steep than a trench, a trough can be a narrow basin or a geologic rift. Niger delta are associated with deltas built across the lower reaches of the benue trough. It is located between longitudes 7 000e to 8030e and latitudes 7 00n to 8 00n with an area extent of approximately,128 square kilometers. Lower, middle and upper benue valley in place of trough. Crustal structure of southern benue trough, nigeria from 3d.

I did not want to hold up putting the models on the web until all the logs had been scanned. The benue trough is a major geological structure underlying a large part of nigeria and. Asu river group of the lower benue trough, southern part of nigeria. This study assessed the hydrocarbon generation potentialstiming of the awgu source rock horizons encountered in igbariam1, iji1 and ajire1 wells drilled in the southern benue trough. Mineralisation, paragenesis, brecciation, lower benue, trough introduction the benue trough is an intracratonic rift trending southwestnortheast from about latitude 60n near the gulf of guinea to about latitude 100n south of the chad basin.

Benue basin, during which an ns compression between. Geology and stratigraphy of middle cretaceous sequences. Dynamics of the emplacement of the heart mountain allochthon. Pure ethyl cyanoacrylates penetrate deeply into porous bone and have high tensile strength. Rome trough ernon anticline fayette anticline brownsville amity anticline anticline western allegheny plateau eastern allegheny plateau ligonier syncline te scale the u. This software enabled the integration of burial and thermal influences on awgu source rocks with kinetic parameters. Stratigraphy and depositional environments of the mamfe formation. The benue trough is an elongate rifted depression in which the sediments reach well over 5000 m thickness in places and have been. Interpretation of gravity anomaly of parts of lower and middle benue trough, nigeria. Lower benue trough, crust, mantle, bouguer gravity data, 3dinver. In many areas of the state, especially in the western half of ohio, a.

University of nigeria nsukka unn staff profile prof. These features often form at the rim of tectonic plates. Sediment supply was mainly along drainage systems that followed two failed rift arms, the benue and bida basins. Ume jl department of geologv, university of nigeria, nsukka, nigeria abstract some intrusive rocks of doleritic to dioritic compositions horn the ejekwe. Geochemical studies of sandstones from the three lithostratigraphic successions in the southern benue trough of nigeria were undertaken for a geochemical characterization of the sandstones, and to assess their stratigraphic and source evolution. A wellarmed field party, mapping the geology of weathertop, in the southeastern bree greek quadrangle. The benue trough is conventionally subdivided into a lower benue trough, abakaliki trough of whiteman 1982, a middle benue trough and an upper benue trough benue valley respectively of whiteman 1982. Resistant layers stick out and remain as ridges, while surrounding layers of less resistant rock erode away. The benue trough is a linear, intracratonic and graben basin, 800 km long and 90 km wide on the average in eastern nigeria ogungbesan and akaegbobi 2011. Thick sedimentary cover of varied composition whose age ranges from albian to maastrichtian is said tocharacterize this trough obaje, 2004. The study evaluates the relationship between synrift structures and sedimentation in the area. The lower benue trough in aptiansantonian times was therefore a simple rift with faster subsidence at the southern end fig. This format may be viewed on any computer that has adobe acrobat reader installed and is a fixed map that cannot be modified or overlain on other maps.

The geology of the lower benue trough has been documented through the tectono. The trough is arbitrarily divided into lower, middle and upper regions, and the upper region is. The lower benue depression, immediately north of the niger delta, has been extensively explored by drilling. The present authors consider that the account given by cratchley and jones 1965 in interpreting the geological and gravitational evidence stands as a. It can be inferred therefore, that most of the present tectonic elements in the lower benue trough were probably formed during the well documented santonian teconism murat 1972, burke etal. Shannon 2 1 the margins of the rockall trough currently the focus of oil and gas exploration interest incorporate an environmentallyimportant and lightly studied shelf region. The niger delta clastic wedge continued to prograde during middle cretaceous time into a depocenter located above the collapsed continental margin at the site of the triple junction. The benue trough of nigeria formed as a result of series of tectonism and repetitive sedimentation in the cretaceous time when south america separated from africa. Abstract the airborne gravity anomalies interpretation of the lower and middle benue trough of nigeria have carried out.

The benue trough is a major tectonic feature of west africa, trending in the nesw direction and. Department of geology, anambra state university, uli, nigeria. Fonstad2 deep river canyons are thought to form slowly over geological time see, for example, ref. Geophysical and geological evidence for the benuechad. The geology of lower benue trough is associated with the tectonic activities. The stratigraphic correlations for the lower southwest, middle, and upper northeast benue is given in table 1 as presented by kogbe 1981a. The mapped area has three drainage basins which are separated by water divide. Afikpo is located in the southern benue trough, between the abakiliki anticlinorium running. Slope failure, mass flow and bottom current processes in. Rapid formation of a modern bedrock canyon by a single. It extends in a northeasterly direction to the chad basin, and is about 150 km wide. The benue trough of nigeria figure 1a is an intracontinental basin in central west africa that extends ne to sw. Precambrian surface great unconformity in eastern midwest. Petroleum source rock potential of the upper benue trough.

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